Do you have an idea for a story?
Not sure where to start?
Feels like it is too big?

Let me (Declan Miller) take you on a journey to tell your story.

Learn how to tell your story, your way.

With a step-by-step online course designed to show you how to easily create a 1 page graphic novel, just like your favourites DC & Marvel!

Tell your story, your way includes:

  • Step-by-step guided approach - starting with your ideas to a finished comic page

  • Personalised instructions by a published graphic novelist

  • Easy to use templates provided to help you get started on telling your story

Let's break down the course...

  • Module 1: Manuscript – Get your story ideas down on paper!

    This module includes examples of manuscripts and explains why your manuscript is the backbone of your story.

  • Module 2: Character Development – Sketch your characters!

    Learn how to sketch characters that you and your audience love.

  • Module 3: Scripting – Break into panels!

    Learn how to script your pages into bite-size chunks.

  • Module 4: Thumbnailing – Sketch it out!

    You'll learn how to do a rough sketch of your storyline.

  • Module 5: Penciling – Flesh it out!

    You'll learn how to add details to your characters and backgrounds.

  • Module 6: Inking – Make your drawings pop!

    Learn how to mark the lines that make your characters stand out.

  • Module 7: Colouring & shading – Bring your story to life!

    We'll show you different ways to add colour and details to your story.

  • Module 8: Text and Sound Effects– Make it talk!

    Learn how to shows you how to add text and sound effects to your panels.

Plus you also receive...

  • Templates

    Templates for you to download and use.

  • Discussion Forum

    Get access to Declan to ask your burning questions and share your work.

Pricing options

If you are a Teacher and want to use graphic storytelling in your classroom we now have whole school and classroom pricing options.

Join Now!

Get started today for only $47

Hear from our participants...

“I really enjoyed learning how to structure my pages and ways to get to know my characters better.”

Participant at Red Hot Arts Workshop

“I came away from a workshop with Declan enthused that I could tell my story in such an imaginative way.”

Participant at NT Writers’ Festival workshop

“Declan is a natural teacher, he knows how to make the comic page structure easy to understand and do.”

Participant at Red Hot Arts Workshop

Meet Your Instructor

Declan Miller

Declan Miller is a published graphic novelist. He started creating graphic novels when he was in Year 3. He now has a publishing deal to continue his series ‘Mixed Feelings’.

Declan is regularly asked to run comic page workshops at schools and events so that participants can tell and illustrate their stories.

Join Now!

Get started today for only $47


  • I have an idea for a story - how can I get started?

    Start with an achievable one-page comic. this will give you the skills and confidence to keep going. Figure out your main plot point so you can work out how your characters get to this plot point.

  • How can I draw an interesting character?

    Most of the really amazing and interesting characters in comics are based on real people or characters from your favourite shows or movies.

  • What is the process for telling graphic stories?

    The process is having an idea that you really want to make come true on your page. To do this you start building the characters and world that they live in. After that you start putting them into a simple comic page layout.

  • What equipment do I need?

    You can do everything with a ruler, pencil, erasure, coloured pencils, textas and paper. If you have a tablet or an iPad you can do everything on that as well.

  • What makes an interesting story?

    There are many different ways in telling stories, the characters, the world that they inhabit. It is how you tell and illustrate that story that makes your story interesting.

  • How long do I have access for?

    You have one (1) years access to this course.

  • How does School pricing and access work?

    Schools can purchase a whole school access pass for $200 for one year, or a classroom licence for $100 for one year (for up to 25 students).